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Tuesday, November 25, 2008


26 & 26 November 2008: Woodliff English 10

Grade Sheets

  • Assignment “SiegPt2” (or your lowest daily grade) will be dropped if you complete today’s “Swooshification” assignment.
  • Red number in bottom right corner = number of short answer points you missed (out of 30 points)
  • Green number in bottom left corner = number of vocabulary questions/points you missed (out of 25)
  • If you have grades for all 3 Anthem quizzes, highlight the lowest. Turn this grade sheet in next week with your extra credit, and I will drop it that quiz grade. (If it’s not lower than your total average, it probably won’t help you!)
  • An “X” means the grade is dropped or exempt
  • Asterisks “**” mean there is no grade entered.
  • An “I” (i) is “incomplete” and factors in as a zero. You still have the opportunity to turn this in.

Extra Test Credit Options (see Short Answer, Vocabulary, and Additional options below)

Short Answer: You have the opportunity to earn 75% (3/4) of the points you missed on the short answer questions. You must do Part A and Part B below. Part A is due TODAY (November 25 for 3rd period; November 26 for 2nd and 6th periods)! Part B is due December 1 for 3rd period and December 2 for 2nd and 6th periods.

  • PART A: Choose 1 of the following questions to answer in complete sentences. (100 word minimum)
    1. In many real and fictionalized totalitarian societies, children live apart from their families. Why would dictatorial leaders enforce this living arrangement?
    2. Many people blame their hardships, poverty, or unhappiness on external conditions. “It’s not my fault,” they cry, “it’s because of the family, class, race, society, or culture into which I was born!” They believe that outside factors control and determine their lives. Use Equality as an example to refute (look it up) this deterministic view of man.
    3. Aside from the very rare exceptions (Equality, the Saint at the Pyre) there is literally no opposition to the leaders in this society. Why is this? What ideas must these men have accepted to live a life of obedience, drudgery, and fear?

  • PART B: Choose one of the following to complete by December 1 for 3rd period, December 3 for 2nd and 6th periods.
    1. You are applying for a job to direct the movie version of Anthem. Write a letter to the producer in which you try to convince him to hire you. Your letter must be typed and must indicate:
      • which actors you would cast as Prometheus and Gaea, and why. Think about physical characteristics and personality traits
      • a detailed description of the setting
      • an explanation of the theme of this novel, and why it is particularly relevant and valuable to modern viewers
      • musical suggestions for certain scenes, costumes, a description of the opening shot, etc.
    1. Write the “missing scene” from chapter 1 in which the Council of Vocations is deliberating Equality’s future profession. Are any of the Council members sympathetic to Equality? If so, would he dare to voice his opinion? Ensure that you reveal the Council’s true motives in assigning Equality the job of street sweeper. 2 page minimum. Typed. Double-spaced. 12 point font
    1. Write a factual newspaper article about Prometheus’s escape from jail, his surprise appearance at the World Council of Scholars, and his flight into the Uncharted Forest. Then, write an opinionated editorial about the same events, written by one of his “brothers.” 150 word minimum each. Typed. Double-spaced. 12 point font
    2. Rewrite the meeting between Equality and Liberty from her perspective. 250 word minimum. Typed. Double-spaced. 12 point font
    3. Rewrite the scene about the Saint at the Pyre from the Saint’s perspective. What did he want to communicate to Equality? 200 word minimum. Typed. Double-spaced. 12 point font
    4. Make a collage in a shape relevant to Anthem with at least 20 images that relate to the story and characters. “Garnish” the collage by creatively attaching favorite &/or important quotes to the collage. Minimum 20 images and 5 quotes. Shape should be no larger than ½ a poster board.
    5. Compare and contrast Anthem with the song “2112” by Rush in 2 Venn diagrams. The first Venn diagram will be written. The second Venn diagram will be graphic. You will use images/symbols, rather than words. On the back of the collage, explain your images in diagram #2. Your Venn diagrams should be neatly put together. The graphic diagram should be no larger than ½ a poster board, and the images should cover all the poster board.
    6. Create an 8-song soundtrack for the book. Include song title and artist. Explain each song’s relevance to the book. Include at least one quote per son in your explanation. Explanations must be typed in 12 point font. Choose songs relevant to the following:
      • Equality
      • Liberty
      • The Uncharted Forest
      • The Council of Vocations
      • The Council of Scholars
      • The Great Truth
      • Transgression of Preference
      • Ego or egoism

Vocabulary: You have the opportunity to earn 75% (3/4) of the points you missed on the vocabulary section of the test. The assignment is as follows:

  • Make a dictionary booklet for at least 16 vocabulary words from Anthem. Include:
      1. The word
      2. part of speech (noun, verb, etc.)
      3. definition as it is used in Anthem
      4. the sentence from Anthem where the word is used
      5. a picture for at least 8 of the words
  • Remember: dictionaries are in alphabetical order!
  • All entries should be typed in 12 point font.
  • The booklet should be creatively bound and have a cover that includes the title of the “book” and the author (you).

Additional: If you didn’t miss any short answer points, you may do Part B for 5 test points. (If 75% of your points equals less then 5, you may choose to do only Part B rather than Parts A & B)

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