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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

3rd period - 24 September 2008

1. Journal
2. Theseus
3. Philosophy Scattergories

Journal "Hero" - Make a list of 7 adjectives, 5 verbs, 4 nouns, 3 adverbs, and 5 images that you associate with the word “hero.”

Theseus (text page 29):
  • Students identified figures from Greek mythology on front of this packet (packet includes "Theseus" and "Osiris and Isis.")
  • Vocabulary: root words bene, phon, graph, path, and cred. Examples of words using these roots were given by students.
  • Students watched a clip of My Big Fat Greek Wedding in which a character explains how words are derived from Greek.
  • Students defined direct and indirect characterization. An example of each was given.
  • Students read the story and characterized Theseus, providing evidence for the character traits.
  • Characterization notes:
    Direct - telling us directly what the character is like.Example: “Mr. Dursley…was a big, beefy man.”
    Indirect - we have to exercise our own judgment about a character using his actions, speech, thoughts, looks, etc. Example: When Mr. Dursley sat on the chair, it broke in two.

Philosophy Scattergories: Students worked together to make lists of the following with words that begin with letters in "PHILOSOPHY" - 1) philosophers 2) schools of philosophy 3) injustice 4) prejudice 5) educate 6) professions/occupations 7) world cities. Students will continue working on scattergories next class.


  • Finish the "Theseus" section of the packet.
  • Last class: “thoughtful questions” – for those of you who didn’t explain your answers, you have until next class to finish this. You will explain your answers in complete sentences. Due: beginning of class Friday. I will not ask for these. You will turn them in on your own accord.

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